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November 21, 2023
55 minutes

Intentional focus in an ever-changing environment with Shawn Blanc

Shawn Blanc is the creator of The Focus Course, The Sweet Setup, and Tools and Toys. Over the past 10 years, he's transformed this business for a solo project into a growing team. We talk about what it takes to do your best creative work and how focus can lead to fulfillment instead of just productivity.

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November 21, 2023
45 minutes

Creative strategy and strategic creativity with Sarah Avenir

Sarah Avenir has made the shift from freelancing, working for an agency, losing that job, and finally becoming CEO of the same agency. We chat about when to take risks, how to be strategically creative, and remaining entrepreneurial even when being part of a larger organization.

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November 21, 2023
10 minutes

The compound returns of small decisions (Khe Hy takeaways)

Last week, Khe Hy shared the personal, professional, and emotional shifts that led to him transitioning from a job on Wall Street to entrepreneurship. We'll look at how noticing subtle changes and reconnecting with your motivations can help navigate challenging transitions.

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November 21, 2023
58 minutes

Living an examined life with Khe Hy

Khe Hy, creator of RadReads, shares why he shifted his career from Wall Street banker to the unknowns of entrepreneurship. We look at what it means to lead an examined life and how to do it.

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November 21, 2023
10 minutes

Failure, growth, and long-term planning (Mojca Žove takeaways)

Last week, Mojca Žove shared how she's navigated from full-time to freelance and from freelance to products. We'll look at how long-term planning and constant experimentation have helped her grow from each challenge she's faced along the way.

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November 21, 2023
55 minutes

Navigating transitions with Mojca Žove

Facebook ads consultant and course creator Mojca Žove shares how she's transitioning from client work to products. Mojca's talks about many of the successes (and challenges) she's faced along the way.

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November 21, 2023
13 minutes

Authenticity, attachment, and environment (David Sherry takeaways)

Last week, David Sherry shared how he grew his business and why he stepped away from it. We explore how attachment and environment impact the sort of work you do and how much you enjoy it.

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November 21, 2023
55 minutes

Overcoming burnout and leading yourself with David Sherry

Entrepreneur, coach, and brand builder David Sherry shares how he overcame burnout and learned to lead himself. David shares what it means to 'turn pro', how a coach can help you do that, and why productivity is about more than morning routines and todo lists.

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November 21, 2023
10 Minutes

Building community and ethical responsibilities in tech (Nick Disabato takeaways)

Last week, I chatted with design consultant and author Nick Disabato. Nick shares what it means to practice value based design, and how community and ethics fit into growing and improving as a designer.

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November 21, 2023
55 minutes

Value-based design with Nick Disabato

Designer Nick Disabato shares the value of value-based design, the ethics of working with technology, and how to create community online and in-person.

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November 21, 2023
11 minutes

Design thinking, avoiding perfectionism, and knowing when to quit (Charli Marie takeaways)

Last week, I chatted with designer and YouTuber Charlie Marie. This brief overview covers some of her biggest takeaways from design school, how creating imperfect work can lead to growth, and how to understand when to quit a project, job, or hobby.

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November 21, 2023
44 minutes

Side-project productivity with Charli Marie

Making progress on side-projects can be challenging when there are so many other things going one. Charlie Marie (designer, YouTuber, conference speaker, and podcaster) chats about the value of design education and how to stay productive with multiple projects.

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November 21, 2023
10 minutes

Burnout, experimentation, and owning your weird (Jason and Caroline Zook takeaways)

Last week, I spoke with Jason and Caroline Zook about their experiences with burnout, how to apply a mindset of experimentation, and owning your unique traits and skills.

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November 21, 2023
60 minutes

Building without burnout with Jason and Caroline Zook

Jason and Caroline Zook are a husband and wife team that have grown their coaching business, Wandering Aimfully, by creating a business that is 100% unique to them. We discuss the benefits of experimentation, how to overcome burnout, and what it means to "Own Your Weird".

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November 21, 2023
12 minutes

Faster, more effective learning through writing and mindframing (Anne-Laure Le Cunff interview takeaways)

Last week, Anne-Laure Le Cunff and I took a deep-dive into Mindframing, a personal growth framework she developed through being both an entrepreneur and neuroscience student. We'll look at ways to apply Mindframing to our own lives.

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November 21, 2023
52 minutes

Mindframing and writing for personal growth with Anne-Laure Le Cunff

Anne-Laure Le Cunff is an ex-Googler, startup founder, writer, and speaker. We discuss the many benefits of writing and the personal growth framework, Mindframing, she developed while studying neuroscience at King's College London.

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November 21, 2023
13 minutes

Starting small, product-founder fit, and embracing constraints (Mubs interview takeaways)

Last week, I talked with Mubashar Iqbal ("Mubs"), a developer, maker. The biggest takeaways from our conversation were the value of starting small, how to achieve product-founder fit, and how to use constraints to your advantage.

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November 21, 2023
57 minutes

Finding joy in making with Mubashar Iqbal ("Mubs")

Mubashar Iqbal ("Mubs") has developed over 80 unique projects in the spare time outside of his full-time job. Learn how he keeps projects interesting for himself and users, and see how his personal challenges and hobbies have driven his work forward.

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November 21, 2023
13 minutes

Bootstrappers' Journey, Patronage business model, and disconnecting (Brendan Hufford takeaways)

In the last episode, I spoke with Brendan Hufford, an SEO Director, dad, husband, and creator. The biggest takeaways from our conversation were how to question the career path you're sold, how to use alternative monetization strategies, and the importance of taking time away from your work.

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November 21, 2023
62 minutes

Planning for productive downtime with Brendan Hufford

Brendan Hufford is a self-described "regular AF human and beast at SEO". In this episode, we discuss planning for downtime, sponsorships for monetization, and when to question your current path, and more.

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November 21, 2023
2 minutes

Trailer: The Latitude Podcast

Hear how some of the first guests define Latitude in their lives, and discover how Latitude's unique episode format makes whatever you learn easier to implement in your own life.

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