Tools I USe

How I build latitude in my life (and Latitude, the app)

I'm certainly guilty of trying every new, shiny tool I can find, but these are the ones that have stuck. The best tool is probably the one you're already familiar with. Seeing how other people work has improved my workflow though, so I wanted to return the favor.

My hiking and backpacking gear list will have to wait for another time, but every tool here is something I personally use and wholeheartedly recommend... some of them are affiliate links.

The Essentials


This website is designed and hosted with Webflow. I've always been skeptical of visual website builders, but Webflow is redefining the whole category.

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From their homepage... "Everything you need to sell online courses, downloads, and memberships without worrying about the tech". My UI animation course is powered by Podia.

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I'm currently transitioning from Drip to ConvertKit for everything email-related. It's built for creators and entrepreneurs like us. It has all functionality with none of the complexity of other tools.

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Transistor is what makes the Latitude Podcast possible. I just upload the files, and they do the rest! Hosting, analytics, easy embeds, and more.

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It only took losing an entire week of work to realize the value of automatic backups. I never have to log in to Backblaze, and that is kind of the point.

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Hover holds the domains for every weird project idea I have, including the one's that turn into sites like this. There are lots of alternatives, just promise you'll use something better than GoDaddy.

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Learning and Growing


Fizzle is where I started my 'online business' journey. Their courses and community are indirectly responsible for my entire freelance business and even Latitude.

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Wandering Aimfully (WAIM)

WAIM is run by Jason and Caroline Zook, two of the most knowledgable and entertaining people on the internet. Listen to them, and your business will make more money!

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Treehouse is where I started learning web development, and it has been a huge force in making technology more accessible to everyone. I still have (and use) my subscription years later.

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Skillshare has a little bit of everything. If there's something you want to learn, it's on Skillshare. It's also where I shared my first (embarrassingly low-quality) online course.

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Organization, Productivity, and Scheduling

Things 3

Things is the most well-designed and enjoyable to-do app I've ever used. It's expensive, but the added productivity it's given me is 100% worth it.

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Bear is where I capture all thoughts and ideas. It's my GTD inbox and my reference library. Yeah, I've tried Notion, but it's a little too slow and open-ended for me.

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Timely helps my understand where my time goes. I use it almost like a calendar. It's how I plan out blocks of my day without being constrained to specific hours on a calendar.

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If you've ever had to write the same thing more than once (follow-up emails and responses to LinkedIn recruiters come to mind), TextExpander will save you tons of time.

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My scheduling is mostly on auto-pilot because of Calendly. It's perfect for setting up podcast interviews, user research calls, or even just finding a good time to chat with a friend.

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Sketch isn't the newest, trendiest design tool these days, but it does everything you need it to do. It's still an industry-standard for a reason.

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I wasn't convinced about the collaborative design until using Figma, but I'm a convert now... Plus it's web-based and faster than any other design tool I've used.

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The InVision web app is the one of best ways to collaborate with developers on complex UI/UX projects. InVision Studio makes interactions and animation easier than any other prototyping tool.

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Dribbble Pro

Dribbble is the best starting point for any visual design projects. I happily pay them every year for features I mostly don't use because the community and product they've created is so great.

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YNAB (You Need A Budget)

YNAB has the most cult-ish following of any budgeting product I've seen and for good reason. It consistently helps me save and understand where my money is going each month... for both

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Headspace has been instrumental in developing my daily meditation practice. It uses the same gamification and feedback loops that social media platforms use, but for a better purpose.

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Buddhify provides more situational guided meditations. It's also not a huge venture-backed company, so it doesn't bring up lots of mixed feelings about 'industrialized mindfulness'.

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I'm sure you already know about Spotify. It's music on-demand... and podcasts now too.

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Angels' Cup

If you're like many of us, coffee powers your work and your life. As a full-blown coffee nerd, getting new, unique coffee delivered every two weeks is the best present I could give to myself.

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Things I’ve been looking for an excuse to use, but don’t yet


Custom, no-code membership sites are now possible through MemberStack. There's a good chance some part of Latitude will be powered by MemberStack in the near future.

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Coming soon… but it’s basically a MacBook Pro, Audio-Technica AT875R
Behringer U-PHORIA UMC22, Pigma Micron pens, and BestSelf journals