The Latitude Podcast

Interviews with freelancers, founders, and creators about all the non-business parts of running a successful business

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About the show

You know all the tips, tricks, hacks, and schemes to get more done. It’s as simple as waking up at 4am, meditating, journaling, running, reading, drinking 100oz of water, and doing 20 sun salutations. ...and that's all before breakfast! Then you have to rewrite your landing page copy, finished creating your course, and grow your MRR. Somewhere in there, you're supposed to be more successful and more productive than ever.

This podcast isn’t about that.

It's about finding the space to do real, meaningful, creative work. Work that inspires others and motivates yourself. I interview creators like you to discover what it actually takes to show up and define work on your own terms. Doing creative work is hard. Making a living from that creative work is even harder.

Who are the guests?

Latitude features a wide variety of people building software, courses, service businesses, and more. Their businesses vary in size and scope, but they are all creating their businesses and lives in a unique way. Success might look different for each guest, but the common thread is they are all creating their own definition of success.

Here are just a few of the wonderful guests from season one of the Latitude Podcast:

These folks have figured out quite a bit when it comes to running successful and fulfilling businesses, but you'll discover that each of them have their own challenges. No one ever has this business thing completely figured out, but hopefully the Latitude Podcast can make it a little easier for you.

What challenges are we discussing?

Join us on this journey, and figure out how to create a little more latitude in your own life… and yeah, hopefully you’ll end up a bit more productive too.

Alright, that’s the pitch. If you're ready to start listening to existing episodes right now, jump over to the episodes page.

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